About the cyclones
The Capital City Youth Hockey Association (CCYHA) provides various hockey opportunities in South Carolina. CCYHA governs the Columbia Cyclones Travel and House Leagues. CCYHA in conjunction with the Flight Adventure Park will co-coordinate the Learn to Play, Learn to Skate Hockey bridge programs and the Adult Leagues.
Board of Directors

USA Hockey provides the foundation for the sport of ice hockey in America; helps young people become leaders, even Olympic heroes
Carolina Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) is the USA Hockey governing body for ice hockey in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. Formed in 2000, CAHA’s mission is to encourage, foster and promote the development and growth of the sport of amateur hockey in North Carolina and South Carolina.
Carolina Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) is the USA Hockey governing body for ice hockey in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. Formed in 2000, CAHA’s mission is to encourage, foster and promote the development and growth of the sport of amateur hockey in North Carolina and South Carolina.